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FCC Rules Do Not Include Hytera Radios

In the Report and Order in the Covered List Equipment Proceeding (the “Report and Order”), the Commission rejected arguments that the Covered List reaches all equipment produced by any of the named entities. Instead, the Commission set a bright line ruling broadband capable equipment as Covered and equipment that cannot transmit or receive at 200 kbps or above is categorically not Covered Equipment. The Report and Order makes it clear that the vast majority of Hytera’s product offering is not Covered equipment.

Hytera US is pleased that even its high-end broadband capable equipment will be eligible for conditional approval and marketing in the US under the Order’s clarified guidelines.

The Report and Order has brought much needed clarity to the marketplace regarding the scope of the Secure and Trusted Communications Networks Act of 2019 (“SNA”). The Commission’s actions promote robust competition while protecting the US telecommunications infrastructure from equipment that may pose a national security concern.

Hytera US will continue its active engagement with the FCC to request further necessary clarification and ensure product compliance in the US market. Hytera US remains committed to serving customers and supporting dealers in the U.S. with the leading, FCC-certified Land Mobile Radios (“LMR”) and other products.

For more information, please contact us at

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